Regular Savings
- A type of savings that has no contractual maturity and can be withdrawn anytime.
- Intended for the regular members of MMC to save for different purposes.

Associate Savings
- Savings that has no contractual maturity and can be withdrawn anytime.
- To teach associate members how to save money so they can become regular MMC Members.

Youth Kiddie Savings
- A savings product for kids aging 0-12 years old, designed to help the young children develop their savings habit.
- Intended for young children to develop their savings habit.

Aflatoun Savings
- An educational program of financial education for children to the different public elementary schools in areas where the MMC is operating.
- To educate the savings habit of the students.

KAYA Savings
- A type of savings account with no maintaining balance and has a minimal fee for withdrawals.
- To create a convenient access of making a savings.

Mortuary Savings
- A type of savings account with no maintaining balance and has a minimal fee for withdrawals.
- To create a convenient access of making a savings.

Emergency Savings
- A type of savings designed for MMC employees to pay for the unexpected expenses.
- To create a convenient access of making a savings.